Frequently asked questions


Is my donation secure?

We use the Dutch mobile bank Bunq directly meaning all donations are not only anonymous but are also secured under Bunq’s insurance policy. This policy is supported by the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS) – Your donation is safe with us!    

How do I cancel a recurring donation?
Unfortunately, we currently have no options for recurring payments but we’re working on it and once we figure it out, we’ll let you know!    
Where will my money go once I’ve donated?
We fundraise for both our non-profit as well as for other organisations as well. Generally, if we’re fundraising at one of our events or workshops, it will go to an organisation within our network for other organisations. If you donate money directly on our website it will go straight into our Bunq bank and will stay there until we have enough for our coffeeshop.

We’re working on displaying our Bunq bank balance so you can see exactly how much we have at all times!

Is there anything I can do if I can't donate?
Yes! We think that there is so much more to helping out than just donating money. 

Collective action is what makes change. We have lots of different options for you to get involved no matter where you’re based; You don’t need to be a Netherlands local to join our network, we have people all over the world working with us. 

Can I donate over the phone?
We don’t take money donations over the phone but if you have any Cannabis you’d like to donate to be sold for fundraising feel free to call us +3161 913 5643.


Are all your events in-person?
Mostly yes but we try to livestream or get recordings of our events. If we do, they’ll be on our Instagram and Youtube channels.
How often do you have events?
We don’t host regular events and workshops, instead we organise one-off big multi-day campaigns that contain lots of smaller events within them. These depend on the year but we try hard to bring them to life whenever we can! 

To keep updated with our upcoming events, check our events page or follow our Instagram.  

Who can go to your events?
Anyone and everyone who shares our values and wants to work against greed to protect our environment. We want to see as many of you there!
What is the purpose of your events?
Two simple things:

  1. Bring like minded people together to create a strong community of change
  2. Educate on climate change through arts and culture


How can I unsubscribe from the mailing list?
At the bottom of our emails there’ll always be a clear unsubscribe button.
How often will I receive emails?
We only send emails when we have important updates such as upcoming campaign events or if we’re one step closer to our goals. You’ll never receive regular spam-like emails containing irrelevant information about us.
I’m not from the Netherlands, can I still join the mailing list?
Most definitely! We encourage everyone to sign up and stay in touch.
Do you share my email with third parties?
Not at all. We can guarantee that your email will stay within our organisation and we’ll never use it for anything but sending you emails.
What language will the emails be sent in?
English. Although we’re a Dutch-based non-profit, we want everyone from all over the world to get involved.
How do I report technical issues with receiving emails?
Drop us an email at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Can I submit feedback or suggestions for improving your email communications?<br />
We always love hearing feedback and suggestions, it’s what makes us better. Drop us an email at


I’m not from the Netherlands, can I still volunteer?
Yes please, we need all the help we can get! We’ve had volunteers from all over the world and apart from a few differences in time zones, there’s no reason not to get involved. 
What kind of things can I help out with?
We want a network of people with specialisms and insights from all different areas. Whether you want to develop a skill through volunteering or have years of knowledge in a field, we’d love for you to join us. 

We purposely avoid using job like recruiting methods like stating roles we need, instead opting to use a submission form where you can input exactly what you want to help with.


How much time will volunteering take out of my week?
The amount of time and work you contribute is up to you completely.
Are there specific skills or qualifications required to volunteer?
Nope. Whatever skills, qualifications, or contacts you have, we want you to volunteer with us.

Have a question that you don’t see the answer to here? Email us and we’ll get back to you within 2 working days.


Our climate action plan boils down to one concept: a non-profit weed coffeeshop based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Our vision is to establish the world’s first non-profit weed coffeeshop, where all profits will be reinvested into climate action by supporting indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest to protect their land.

While we’re working on making the world’s first non-profit weed coffeeshop reality, why don’t you buy a €3 virtual coffee for the time being to help us hit our target of €2 million.   

If you’re a regular coffee drinker, we’d love for you to support us with a monthly coffee - we promise it’s made with good-quality virtual coffee beans!