We believe that collective action is the only way forward. If there’s anything we want you to take away is the importance of collaboration, the world works better when all of our great minds work together!

If what we’re doing here at Green Revolution speaks to you, we call you to join us in volunteering regardless of your skill level. Whether you’re an Amsterdam local or a global citizen, we could use your help no matter what you can or can’t do.

Input your interest in joining us and we’ll get back to you within 2 working days. We look forward to hearing from you!


I’m not from the Netherlands, can I still volunteer?

Yes please, we need all the help we can get! We’ve had volunteers from all over the world and apart from a few differences in time zones, there’s no reason not to get involved. 

What kind of things can I help out with?

We want a network of people with specialisms and insights from all different areas. Whether you want to develop a skill through volunteering or have years of knowledge in a field, we’d love for you to join us. 

We purposely avoid using job like recruiting methods like stating roles we need, instead opting to use a submission form where you can input exactly what you want to help with.

How much time will volunteering take out of my week?

The amount of time and work you contribute is up to you completely.

Are there specific skills or qualifications required to volunteer?

Nope. Whatever skills, qualifications, or contacts you have, we want you to volunteer with us.

Have a question that you don’t see the answer to here? Email us and we’ll get back to you within 2 working days.